Q1) How accurate is the HDB resale calculator?
Answer: The accuracy of the HDB resale calculator depends on the information you provide. While it can provide a good estimate of your flat’s value based on market trends and other factors, it’s important to note that the final selling price may differ depending on the demand for properties in your area and other market factors.
Q2) What other factors should I consider when buying or selling a resale HDB flat?
Answer: In addition to using an HDB resale calculator, you should also consider factors such as the flat’s location, age, condition, and amenities. Other factors such as proximity to public transportation, schools, and shopping centers can also impact the value of the property.
Q3) Can you assist me in selling my home, and do I have to commit to working with you after our initial discussion?
Answer: Absolutely! I’d be more than happy to assist you in selling your home, and there’s no obligation to commit to working with me after our initial discussion. During our meeting, we can discuss your goals and preferences, and I can provide you with valuable insights and guidance on the current market conditions and pricing strategies. So, feel free to reach out to me today to schedule a no-obligation consultation!